Thursday, 24 September 2015

House concept ; Extended Homes

Nowadays house design is too rigid and don't have fun and creative elements.
Anyway if you interested to having those kind of element for your home sweet home, I suggest you guys explore the concept of 'Extended Homes'.

Extended Homes is a concept which can extend your home periodicly.
The basis of the idea you can extend the home according to your budget ,functinally and purposes.
You also need piece of land like bungalow lot or 1 acre of land.
At first maybe you have 5000sf land with budget RM 50,000 in your pocket.
You can built 25'x25' house with one bedroom, one toilet first.

Then when your income and saving increase you can extended (attached) another part , main hall 30'x30'.

This idea use when you have more kids to occupy more space more bedrooms/toilet according to
your financial situation.

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Today is Raya AidilAdha.Unluckily in Mecca 300++ pilgrims died during haj activities.AlFatihah.

I met my uncle Pak Teh in my wife's granma house at Rock Village ,Rembau.

He get my renovation services - for tiling,front snd kitchen Renovation.It cost him RM58,000.
My uncle Pengarah Giat Mara has very good negotation skills which he request my partnerr
RM 50,000. He manage to get what he wants.

From early deposit my uncle paid RM 15,000 which my commission my partner ( wan& samsul)
RM 700 from RM 1200. The remaining RM 500 when complete payment.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Land for investment

As price of land increase rapidly in Malaysia therefore the price of house become so expensive.
A solution to that is to buy piece of land example 1 acre.You can divided to bungalow lot , 5000sf you manage to get 6 lot.

For booking need to pay 2% then 8% after 2-4 weeks.The remaining need to settle down within 3-4 months. You can nego to owner to extend to 6 months if the owner permit.

So how to buy the land if it is expensive and you don't have suffient fund?

1) pool money from relatives and friends.
2)get bank loan from agro bank cover 60-70% land value.
3) get creative - you sell bungalow lot in advance - get booking from buyer
    How? You can do simple proposal saying that you want to develop 5 pieces of bungalow
( you keep one lot for yourself)